sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012


3 comentários:

  1. One blue sky above us
    One ocean lapping all our shore
    One earth so green and round
    Who could ask for more
    And because I love you
    I'll give it one more try
    To show my rainbow race
    It's too soon to die.

    Some folks want to be like an ostrich,
    Bury their heads in the sand.
    Some hope that plastic dreams
    Can unclench all those greedy hands.
    Some hope to take the easy way:
    Poisons, bombs. They think we need 'em.
    Don't you know you can't kill all the unbelievers?
    There's no shortcut to freedom.

    Go tell, go tell all the little children.
    Tell all the mothers and fathers too.
    Now's our last chance to learn to share
    What's been given to me and you.

    Words and Music by Pete Seeger (1967)

    1. Uma homenagem aos 40.000 Noruegueses que foram às ruas protestar dia 26 de abril de 2012.

  2. Lyrics of Lillebjørn Nilsen’s Barn av regnbuen (Children of the Rainbow):

    En himmel full av stjerner (A heaven full of stars)
    Blått hav så langt du ser (Blue seas as far as you can see)
    En jord der blomster gror (A world where flowers grow)
    Kan du ønske mer ? (Can you ask for more?)
    Sammen skal vi leve (We shall live together)
    hver søster og hver bror (Every sister and every brother)
    Små barn av regnbuen (Small children of the rainbow)
    og en frodig jord. (And a blossoming world.)
    Noen tror det ikke nytter (Some don’t think it matters)
    Andre kaster tiden bort med prat (Others waste time with small talk)
    Noen tror at vi kan leve av (Some thing we can live on…
    plast og syntetisk mat. (…plastic and synthetic food.)
    Og noen stjeler fra de unge (And some steal from the young)
    som blir sendt ut for å sloss (who are sent off for a fight.)
    Noen stjeler fra de mange (Some steal from the masses)
    som kommer etter oss (who come after us.)
    Si det til alle barna! (Tell all the children)
    Og si det til hver far og mor: (And tell every father and mother)
    Ennå har vi en sjanse (That we still have a chance)
    til å dele et håp på jord. (to share hope for the world.)
